

Ecourse4 is an online professional technical and soft skills training for emerging community leaders between 18-28 years old in Uganda.

Ecourse4 adopts a learning curriculum on 4 major thematic areas: leadership, project management, civic participation, and fundraising across 4 cohorts. The training is administered with our partners at Michigan State University (MSU) Alliance for African Partnerships (AAP), Makerere University (MaK), and experts from the private sector and Civil Society in Uganda.


Each cohort adopts a competitive application process, and upon selection, the fellows are required to spend a total of 40 hours of study for 1 month.

The training is administered on the MSU_AAP Bridge platform that allows fellows to connect with wider professionals from MSU and the AAP consortium partners. Ecourse4 reaches a total of 200 young people, majority women across 4 cohorts in 4 districts of Kampala, Wakiso, Gulu, and Dokolo in Uganda.

This project is funded by the US. Embassy Uganda

Project Launch Video