

The SACCO is a financial support initiative that seeks to use data-driven, innovative finance solutions to inform the design and use of finance to address some of the agricultural financing challenges.

We make investment capital readily available to last-mile agribusiness projects on a rotational basis to support businesses involving value addition to crop farming, animal husbandries, and agribusiness literacy materials such as tool kits, and practical guides to farmers among others. Our SACCO vision is to create innovative financial solutions for young Agri-entrepreneurs which reinforces our vision to become a Nexus of agribusiness innovation across Africa. 


Our SACCO services include; saving opportunities that accord members the opportunity to collectively pool resources, save and benefit from their savings through access to Credit services that allow members to invest in their businesses, and do market scale-ups. We conduct a short online Financial Management literacy program (FMLP) for our members to build the capacity to effectively manage finances, record and account for funds, and make data-driven financial decisions. In so doing we create innovative Investment pathways for emerging agribusinesses to survive and thrive.