
Programs and Projects

Our growing programs and projects portfolio sets a very ambitious and measured target to reach a total of 3000 people, majority women, and youth in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi and South Sudan by 2025.

We currently run three projects in Uganda that directly reach a total of 265 people majority women annually in the Agribusiness Apprenticeship Program (AgAP) where we train and mentor 30 young entrepreneurs across 2 cohorts in agribusiness, entrepreneurship and networking, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in leadership and Training project reaching 35 administrators, and community leaders, and the Ecourse4 project reaching 200 emerging community leaders across 4 cohorts.

We are opening our SACCO doors for existing agripreneurs where we estimate to finance 100 rural-based small landowners across the central and western region in Uganda. 

Agribusiness Apprenticeship Program (AgAP)

The AgAP is our flagship program where we train, mentor, and inspire mid-career professionals from all over East Africa. The program is a cohort-based residential training that allows selected fellows to travel, study and connect.

Ecourse4 is an online professional technical and soft skills training for emerging community leaders between 18-28 years old in Uganda. Ecourse4 adopts a learning curriculum on 4 major thematic areas: leadership, project management, civic participation, and fundraising across 4 cohorts. Funded by the U.S. Mission in Kampala, the training is administered with our partners at Michigan State University (MSU) Alliance for African Partnerships (AAP), Makerere University (MaK), and experts from the private sector and Civil Society in Uganda

We partner with Makerere University and Michigan State University to undertake a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Leadership and Training project for senior administrators/unit managers including principals, deans, and directors, faculty staff members including lecturers and extension workers and youth leaders. We use experiential techniques along with a data-driven curriculum that allows fellows to pitch their ideas, refine their projects, and seek funding for their businesses.

The SACCO is a financial support initiative that seeks to use data-driven, innovative finance solutions to inform the design and use of finance to address some of the agricultural financing challenges. We make investment capital readily available to last-mile agribusiness projects on a rotational basis to support businesses involving value addition to crop farming, animal husbandries and agribusiness literacy materials such as tool kits, and practical guides to farmers among others