

MFAI started as a professional network of alumni of the U.S DoS exchange program at Michigan State University (MSU) in 2018. The MSU fellowship was pivotal to connect professional fellows from East Africa and upon return from the United States, the Ugandan fellows registered MFAI as a Not-for-profit organization.

Since 2018, the organization has grown as more fellows from subsequent cohorts join and also recruit young professionals across Africa. We have managed to build codes of friendships and professional relationships among young professionals across the continent who continue to make remarkable progress as leaders in their communities.

We Inspire

Our work focuses on creating a lasting impact. We use innovative pedagogies such as cultural tours, sports, Minds on the Move Ignite visits, music, art for change in our programs and share our U.S experiences to ignite hope, positive thinking, and action among young people in Uganda.


We know from our research, practical experiences and learning that for women to overcome barriers and realize their dreams, they need equitable opportunities, capacity building programs that ignite potential to lead, access and effectively manage finances in a friendly ecosystem.


MFAI has managed to positively use this evidence to provide transformative capacity-building programs such as the AgAP, the DEI in leadership and training project & Ecourse4, provides start-up agribusiness finance through the SACCO, and collaborate with several landmark organizations to create women and youth-friendly ecosystem that ensure that everyone can realize his or her dreams.